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Cyberpunk 2077, What's the deal?

The release of Cyberpunk 2077 was formidable from CDProjekt's perspective, the owner company of the majestic video game, and arguably the...

E-Sports Games Pros & Cons

E-sports is on its peak these days as many people play games for fun; people find these missions entertaining and the fact that the...


As the world is making its mark in the development of Artificial Intelligence, people are also afraid that it may get self-aware at some...

Short glimpse of the future

Imaginary future It's very important to know about the past when we think about the future. What took us to today's place, and what...

PS5 & Xbox Series X V.S Gaming PC

We're witnessing a huge revolution in the gaming industry, Ray Tracing has just made the war that's been going on for decades even...

My top 3 new Photoshop tools 2021

Photoshop 2021 is finally here. As expected from Adobe, every year is full of surprises. 2021 is no exception and this time, Adobe has...

Microsoft to Own Everything?

And who doesn't know Microsoft, one of the giants that own the world today. Suddenly, Microsoft announces the acquisition of the video...

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